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Designing Identity to my Company

Clean Culture

Updated: Jan 20, 2020

Creating something fresh, individual, and interesting was the goal for my logo because I wanted to make sure that I stuck out. One thing that inspired me was the way that simple logos attract the eye and often demand attention, so designing this logo was my goal. I chose my colors based on my project. The copper color comes from the bacteria I'm using. Methanotrophs have a special protein called methane monooxygenase which uses copper as a catalyst. I chose to include the color green because I wanted to make sure that I could signify to people that my company was trying to make the environment a better place. Clean Culture then had the simple logo that I was looking for, something that you could look at and associate with a company.

Next I had to look at what font would compliment my logo. Making sure that the font didn't destroy the connection that the logo could make, I opted for something that was simpler. I chose the font - Orbitron. This font is clean cut and really brought everything together.



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