Innovating Something New
Clean Culture was inspired by the problem. At first I had a completely different idea, one that focused on protecting the environment through eco-friendly products, but I decided that wasn’t the best idea I could have come up with. After looking into other problems that we face environmentally I realized that methane was a problem that was only getting recognition when it came from landfills, but the main emitter was cattle farming.When I started looking into current solutions I couldn’t find anything of value. I started to think of other ways chemicals naturally “go away.” Just like how trees absorb carbon dioxide to photosynthesize. Then I stumbled upon methanotrophs which were known as a natural sink for methane. This is when I really started getting into the data and information all into one forming idea. The struggles that we face if we do not solve this imminent issue is what is pushing me to make this a possibility. The possible 2°C that we can increase in global temperatures by 2050 won’t be stopped if we don’t help reduce the emissions of methane, and this is why we need Clean Culture.