We all know that the effect of COVID-19 has been worldwide and will definitely be a time to remember in our history books. In recent history we haven't needed to do many of the things we are doing now like remote schooling, social distancing, and nationwide shutdowns. Personally this will be something that changes my life forever and I will most likely tell the story about how school got closed for the rest of the year.
Not only has the virus changed how my school career will come to an end but it's most likely going to affect how my last Expo plays out. I think that no matter what whether I go to Expo or not, this time away from school will definitely take away from my project. To make sure that my project is a good as possible I will be working on as many of the online aspects as I am able to while at home. I will be working on my website and launchpad to make sure that I make as progress as possible.
I hope that everyone is taking part in the government's recommendations so that they can stay as safe as possible.

This is a picture of my little "office."